For the last 25 years Bjarni Thor has sung all the major roles of his bass repertoire in many of the most important opera houses around the world.

In Iceland Bjarni Thor has recently been directing operas, many of which have gotten a lot of attention both by the public and the press.

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25 ára söngafmæli

Um þessar mundir eru 25 ár liðin síðan Bjarni steig fyrst á svið Volksoper í Vín og hóf þar með sinn atvinnusöngvaraferil.

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Oper Köln

Der Meister und Margarita


New Production. Stage Director: Valentin Schwarz. Music Director: André de Ridder.

April 2022
2, 6, 8, 10, 12 & 17

Oper Köln

Il Barbiere di Siviglia


New Production. Stage Director: Ruth Berghaus. Music Director: George Petrou.

June 2 12, 16, 20, 23 & 27
July 2

Tjarnarbíó - Reykjavík

Þögnin - The Silence (Helgi R. Ingvarsson)


New Icelandic opera.

August 2022

Salurinn - Kópavogi

Dagskrá í tilefni af 25 ára söngafmæli Bjarna Thor Kristinssonar


January 2023

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©2022 - Bjarni Thor Kristinsson