Óperupartý ársins var haldið í Eldborg Hörpu þann 5. nóvember. Bjarni Thor Kristinsson var gestgjafi kvöldsins og bauð upp á skemmtilegar og óvæntar óperusenur með hjálp margra annarra íslenskra söngvara.
Over 20 singers participated in the event with the amazing Ástríður Alda Sigurðardóttir playing the piano. The first half of the party was dedicated to the story of Operaday’s Festival, which startet with a small production at a bar in the town of Kópavogur in 2015. Since then the festival has grown every year, now partly taking place in Iceland’s finest concert house, Eldborg hall in Harpa.
The founder of Operadays and its CEO Guja Sandholt told in the interview with Bjarni about the variety of events that have taken place under the umbrella of the festival. This interview was
25 ára söngafmæli
Um þessar mundir eru 25 ár liðin síðan Bjarni steig fyrst á svið Volksoper í Vín og hóf þar með sinn atvinnusöngvaraferil.